Basic Networking Concepts: Goals
and applications of Computer Networks; Topologies; Method of Processing-
Centralized and Distributed Processing; Categories of Networks ‐ LAN, MAN, WAN, Peer-to-Peer, Server-Based and Broadcast networks.
Network Architecture: Concept
of protocols & services; OSI model and functions of its layers; TCP/IP
reference model.
Data Communication Concepts: Components of a data
communication system, Transmission modes; Physical layer- transmission media ‐ guided and wireless media; introduction to switching (circuit,
message and packet) and multiplexing (frequency division and time division);
Buses, Network Adapters, and LAN Connection Devices: Bus Architectures, FireWire, Network Adapters, Network Adapter
Connectors, LAN Connection Devices, Repeaters, Bridges, Hubs, Switches,
Internetwork Devices, Routers, Firewalls, Gateways, Voice over Internet
Protocol (VoIP), Channel Service Unit (CSU) / Data Service Unit (DSU), Modulator-Demodulator
(Modem), How DSL Works.
Medium Access Control
and LANs: Multiple Access protocols of MAC sub layer ‐ ALOHA, 1‐persistent, p‐persistent and non‐persistent CSMA, CSMA/CD,